
Spaying of the Female dog

Spaying of the Female dog 

 Spaying of the female dog is undertaken to control the unwanted pregnancy by crossing some unknown or country or non-descript dogs. The spaying of the dog reduces the aggressiveness of the dog. By spaying, one can reduce the incidences of commonly encountered reproductive diseases like pyometra.

 Spaying also helps to control the population in case of stray animals and many nations are doing these operations by removing the ovaries from the female animals. Experienced veterinarians are required to do the spaying in the case of female dogs and postoperative care is to be given more emphasis. If proper control measures are not taken after the surgical operation for the removal of the ovary, then the infections may start setting in and the animal may end up in the development of peritonitis, and then toxemia sets in, causing unwanted health problems.

 Death of the dog may finally occur if the dog is not provided effective and proper veterinary care. A female dog that is spayed before the occurrence of first heat will have almost a zero chance of development of mammary cancer, which is more common with dogs that are not spayed. 

 A female dog generally comes to heat once in eight months or so. During the heat occurrence, there is bleeding from the vagina and the dog may cross with the unwanted male and the spaying activity prevents all these. In the case of aged dogs, the dog may often get signs of increased thirst, anorexia, vomiting, etc. that are so common with pyometra.

 Pyometra means the presence of paying of the Female dog 

Spaying of the female dog is undertaken to control the unwanted pregnancy by crossing some unknown or country or non-descript dogs. The spaying of the dog reduces the aggressiveness of the dog. By spaying, one can reduce the incidences of commonly encountered reproductive diseases like pyometra.

Spaying also helps to control the population in case of stray animals and many nations are doing these operations by removing the ovaries from the female animals.  Experienced veterinarians are required to do the spaying in the case of female dogs and postoperative care is to be given more emphasis.  If proper control measures are not taken after the surgical operation for the removal of the ovary, then the infections may start setting in and the animal may end up in the development of peritonitis, and then toxemia sets in, causing unwanted health problems.

Death of the dog may finally occur if the dog is not provided effective and proper veterinary care.  A female dog that is spayed before the occurrence of first heat will have almost a zero chance of development of mammary cancer, which is more common with dogs that are not spayed. 

A female dog generally comes to heat once in eight months or so. During the heat occurrence, there is bleeding from the vagina and the dog may cross with the unwanted male and the spaying activity prevents all these. In the case of aged dogs, the dog may often get signs of increased thirst, anorexia, vomiting, etc. that are so common with pyometra.

Pyometra means the presence of a pus in the uterus.  Once pyometra occurs, it involves many discomforts to the animal in addition to the cost factor involved for the therapy also. Such pyometra is prevented by spaying because, in the case of spaying, you are removing both ovaries and the uterus.

 pus in the uterus. Once pyometra occurs, it involves many discomforts to the animal in addition to the cost factor involved for the therapy also. Such pyometra is prevented by spaying because, in the case of spaying, you are removing both ovaries and the uterus.

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