Fleas and other parasites
Fleas and other parasites need to be given always priority by the dog owners. The common incidences of flea bite allergy in the case of dogs cause worries among dog owners. Flea bite induces allergic reactions in the concerned area bitten by the fleas. Hence, the affected area looks like a hairless area and the animal starts scratching.
Fleas cause severe dermatitis in dogs with severe flea infestations. Many times, the flea bite causes allergic reactions in dogs. On many occasions, dogs experience severe discomforts due to these allergic reactions. Medicated collars are available to treat and prevent stations with external parasites like ticks or fleas.
Other parasites like ticks, lice in addition to the internal parasites like hookworms, roundworms, whip worms, etc. cause affections in the health status of the animal. For example, if hookworm affects the animal, most of the time, the dog has anemia. The anemic signs become more prominent depending on the degree of affection by the hookworm.
Hookworm larvae can pass directly through the skin and cause problems in the affected ones. Such dogs may reveal lesions about dermatitis in the feet region and the skin areas. Skin rashes may be seen frequently in such cases and the affected animal passes loose stool, which is red-tinged and mixed with blood material.
If the roundworms are seen in more numbers, the affected puppies reveal a potbelly condition, which is easily recognized by the dog owners themselves. Piperazine salts are given by oral route for the treatment of this problem. However, broad-spectrum anthelmintics like pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole, etc. are given to treat these conditions.
Many drugs have come on the market to treat fleas and other parasites. Nowadays, the medical agent called ivermectin is highly preferred by many dog owners to treat fleas and other parasites in dogs. This drug is available in injection form and oral form. Even the drug is available for external application also.
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